A Virtual Cemetery created by Ed Houghtaling

Bowman Park Cemetery

Bowman Park is a one square block of land in Three Rivers, Saint Joseph County, Michigan. It is bounded on the North by Hoffman Street , on the West by Main Street, on the East by East Street, and on the South by Cushman Street. There is only one grave in this Park, but it still an official cemetery, but is still considered as a park. There is a G.A.R. statue in the center of the park, that once stood in the intersection of Main Street and Michigan Avenue.Winn, Caroline Fellows Bowman 1815-1850dau/o Abiel Fellows-Revolutionary Soldier

1 memorial
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Joseph Patrick Veteran Flowers have been left.

unknown – 13 Feb 1906

Mountain Home, Washington County, Tennessee, USA

Plot info: A, 2, 9
